Searching and Adding Hospital Affiliation Addresses

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Hospital Affiliation/Appointment addresses are used for source verifying the provider’s existing hospital affiliations and/or appointments.

  1. From the main menu select “Master Table Maintenance” from the drop-down menu.

  2. Select “Hospital"  from the second drop-down menu.

  1. The “Hospital Search” page is displayed. If the specialist is certain the hospital has not been entered, click on to immediately begin entering new information.


  1. Enter the search criteria select the button. The "Hospital Search Results" display.


It is recommended to search by State (2 letter characters).



  1. If there are no results based on the search criteria, select either  the button  to go back to the "Hospital Search” page or  the button to add a new hospital.

To avoid having to type the same hospital information for multiple providers, new hospitals are added to the system in the Admin Main Menu section, Master Table Maintenance, on the Hospital Page. It is good policy to Search before creating a new hospital. If your hospital search produces no results then add a new hospital profile.


Add A New Hospital

  1. Select the  Add or button at the bottom of the search page. A blank "Hospital Data" page is displayed.

  2. Type in the hospital's information.

  3. Select the button to save the hospital information.

  4. Continue the steps above to add all hospitals listed on the provider’s application.

Edit Hospital Data

If the hospital search returns a matching hospital then follow the steps below.


  1. Select the  link next the hospital name to open the "Hospital Data" page.


  1. Based on the details for the hospital, if the hospital matches the hospital required for the new provider then select the  button to return to the “Hospital Search Results” page.

  2. Based on the details for the hospital, if the hospital information needs to be updated based on new information from the provider’s application then enter the appropriate information and select the button  to return to the "Hospital Data” page.


At anytime the “Search" icon at the top right of the page can be clicked to open the “Hospital Search” page.