Group Insurance Update

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  1. From the main menu select “Master Table Maintenance” from the drop-down menu.

  2. Select “Group Insurance Update"  from the second drop-down menu.

  1. The "Malpractice Insurance Carriers” page is displayed.

Add Insurance Data

  1. To add a new insurance carrier, click the Add button and the "Insurance Data" page is displayed.

  1. Enter an ID No. or Friendly Name of the carrier.

  2. Enter the name and address information for the carrier.

  3. Enter the National Association of Insurance Commissioners number (NAIC No) if available.

  4. If applicable, enter the name of the agent handling the coverage for the carrier.

  5. Enter the number of years the provider was or has been with the carrier.

  6. Enter the type of coverage (i.e., Malpractice, Professional Liability).

  7. Enter the maximum claim amount of the coverage.

  8. Enter the aggregate claim amount of the coverage.

  9. If applicable, enter umbrella amount of the coverage.

  10. Enter the policy or binder number.

  11. If applicable, enter the policy retro date of the coverage.

  12. Enter the start and renewal/expiration date for the coverage.

  13. Update the providers that you wish to update from the source window on the left to the target window on the right.

  14. Press the button to save the insurance carrier information.

Edit Insurance Data

  1. To edit a current carrier, select it from the list and click the Edit button. The carrier's current information will be displayed.

  2. Make the necessary changes and click the button to save the changes.