Pre-Committee Review

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When all required areas have been verified, the provider(s) "Verification Log" will be moved to the "Pre-Committee Review Log".

  1. To access the "Pre-Committee Review Verification Log" select on the EPR system main menu bar and choose "Verification" from the drop-down menu.

  1. Select "Pre-Committee Review" from the second drop-down menu.


The Pre-Committee Review Log is divided into 2 subsets. First, the Completed Verifications are listed. The next list contains providers who had a conditional verification on one or more items. The Conditional list is flagged with a yellow Conditional Verification mark.



To prepare the provider(s) record for committee review the specialist will perform the following steps:

  1. Select the next to the provider's name to open the "Perform Verification Task" page for the provider.



Each line item on the Verification log can be reviewed or modified by clicking the red checkbox icon  and following the steps in Performing PSV Tasks.


  1. Based on a review of the verification log items the specialist will decide to send the provider's record for committee review, send back to verification log, withdraw the application, or finish as detailed below:

    1. Send to Committee - If the information required to process the provider's record for committee review is satisfactory then the specialist will select the button to open the "Committee Meetings" page (see below).  Choose the appropriate meeting and click Enter.


The "Committee Meetings" page displays all committees setup for the specialist's organization.  To view, add or edit a committee go to the  Admin Section of the main menu.

    1. Back to Verification Log - If additional information is required to process a verification then the specialist will select the button.  Enter an explanatory note in the "Back To Log Note".  Choose the necessary area to add and verify.  Once verified, click the button to return to Pre Committee Review or click thebutton to bypass the committee function.

    1. Withdraw Application - If the information required to process a verification has not been satisfactorily supplied by the provider, the verification may be withdrawn from the Verification log and processing is stopped before sending it to committee. To withdraw a provider's application from committee review the specialist will select the button.

    2. Finish - If the information required to process the application is complete and the specialist wishes to bypass the committee function, click the button to mark the item complete and send it to Verified Log Items.